so we have a customer who has a microsoft hosted agents for build pipelines, the implementation project is on-premises.
we are implemeting the RSAT on there devops.
i have deployed a cloud Dev environment and configured the Devops pipleline with whenever a build is triggered to create a deployable package and deploy it to this Cloud Dev , i also installed and configured RSAT on this Cloud VM.
when adding the RSAT task in the pipeline, how could i configure it to run on this cloud VM ?
so i was able to create another pipeline that has the RSAT tasks on the agent pool on the cloud Dev that will run the RSAT, and this pipeline is triggered when the build pipeline that generate and deploy the package is successfull, so it starts the test.
i have one question here regarding the asset ID in deploying the package task in devops , as each build pipeline will generate a new package with different asset id on LCS, so i need to set a varaible for asset id in the the package deployment task in devops.
i followed this link that was sent to me by microsoft when i opened a ticket for this. however below URL is for release definition, which i do know this is the correct way to use it, however in our case we need to deploy using the build pipeline as per customer requirement, and i need to update the asset ID each time a package is generated.
You don't necessary have to stop using the Microsoft-hosted agent for your current stuff. You can use the self-hosted agent just steps that requires capabilities not available in the hosted agent, such as installation of custom software (RSAT, in this case).
In your case, you could keep running builds in the same way as now and run tests by a separate pipeline. There is also an option I forgot about - you can change the agent pool at an agent job, not just a pipeline. (This seems to be what you originally intended.) But I would definitely avoid an environment deployment during a build, because it takes a huge amount of time.
Or you'll start using the self-hosted one for all builds.
Or you'll use it just for builds with RSAT and all the rest will stay as of now.
If you want to run just RSAT, you'll find steps to configure the pipeline in the documentation I linked before.
If you want to configure a brand new pipeline for F&O builds, consider starting from your current one, if it does what you need. But you can also start with Azure DevOps Pipeline Samples for X++.
if i need to migrate microsoft hosted agent to self hosted, then i will need to create a new pipeline for this. is there any simple document for this ? as i never did a build pipeline before, it was already configured by the client.
Thank you,
Martin Dráb230,503Most Valuable Professional
on at
Your approach looks wrong to me. You said you're running a build pipeline on a hosted agent, which doesn't support RSAT. Just installing a deployable package to another machine doesn't change this fact.
You need to deploy a self-hosted build server and run your build there, rather then on a hosted agent. Refer to Integrate RSAT with Azure DevOps pipelines for more details.
Which machine will be used for a build depends on the agent pool of the pipeline (and some configuration). You can't simply tell a task to run on a different server.
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