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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Override staging location

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hello Experts,

For one of my clients the "normal" flow is to handle inbound movements via a staging location meaning that staff on inbound bay put the received goods on a location where the warehousing staff picks it up and confirms the movement job in final storage location.

However, sometimes the inbound people wants to override this staging location and put received pallets directly into final put location.

Work template creates a pick-put-work from staging area to final storage area automatically but is there any way to prevent the put away work to be created if storing pallet directly in?

That is, as a setup and without customization.

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Override staging location

    Hi Guy,

    I was trying to configure it with the default data option from the mobile device item too, but I'm not understanding how to use this feature. I tried with the "To Location" and the "Disposition code" option but still does not work.

    I think it would be enough for my problem to be able to use default data for a mobile device item for configuring just a default location in a reception and allocation PO item, but I can not get that off.

    Please, can you explain a bit about how to use "Default data"? It would be so useful because there's no much info about it.

    Thanks again,


  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Override staging location

    Have a play with Disposition code. You might be able to set, using Default data, a Disposition code for each mobile device menu item. And you can use Disposition code to drive which Location directive is set. Possibly. Test it and reply here if you can't get it to work!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Override staging location


    I've got a similar problem. I thought about the same solution (two work templates with two mobile device items) but it's still not working because I can not force the last put action to a specific location directive. I would like, somehow, to force one of the work templates to put the received material in one final location and the other work templates to another one, just depending of which you chosed in the mobile device menu. However, if I can not use the directive code for the last put action on the work template, both templates use the same location directive...

    Is there any solution to this?



  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Override staging location

    You could create two Work templates for Purchase orders. On one, you have the two Pick/Put pairs. On the other, you just have one Pick/Put pair.

    Then you need two mobile device menu items; it's possibe to set the Work template on the mobile device menu item. Have one menu item for normal receipt, with staging. And another menu item for receipt without staging.

  • Crispin John Augustine Profile Picture
    Crispin John Augustine 37,081 on at
    RE: Override staging location

    Short answer - no.

    However, with customization you can do this relatively easier than it is for Outbound.

    Because, for Inbound, the work creation is triggerred at the receipt Location, when you first scan the Item/LP/pallet..

    If you create a new receipt process, to directly receive and store in the Destination Location, you can program in a way to create work (Pick/put lines) accordingly.

    I did this for a Transfer receipt, myself. So that's from my experience.

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