We are migrating a CRM 2015 to Dynamics 365 CE (online) and we have found a problem when we try to migrate incidentresolution registers.
The problem is when we fill the regardingobjectid field from the ETL (created with Kingswaysoft), we receive an error and register migration fails.
OOTB when an incident is resolved, fields regardingobjectid and incidentid from incidentresolution entity are related to the case. If I try this by ETL, it doesn't work.
What I have tried:
- If I fill both fields (regardingobjectid and incidentid in incidentresolution entity) it fails. I have tested with several Kingswaysoft options, but I may not have found the correct.
- If I don't fill the regardingobjectid when I created the register and next I try to update it, the system doesn't work.
- If I don't fill the regardingobjectid field but I fill with incidentid, then the register in 365 is wrong in the case and it seems doesn't relate.
I haven't found any plugin or process in that entity that generates the problem, I guess that the system has something internal to have this behaviour.
Have you migrated incidentresolution entity or you have a solution for this problem?
I will be glad to hear you.