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A Contact record with multiple Application records

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I'm quite new to CRM Dynamics and have been looking at how to achieve what we are trying to do,There are a couple of things I'm trying to do so any help with any of the points below would be greatly appreciated.

We have a number of contacts who have applied to more than one course hence the contact has associated multiple application records.

  1. Is there a way to identify all contacts who have more than one application?
  2. Is there a way to create a customer journey for a contact and combine the titles of all the courses they have applied to and have been offered a place into one Marketing e-mail? The number of applications/courses can be more then 2 at times

I have looked at Advance Find and Segments to help generate these lists however I have't been able to achieve this at all, so unsure if its even possible or is there a work around which can help resolve this?

Hope someone can help and many thanks in advance 

  • BhavC Profile Picture
    BhavC 5 on at
    RE: A Contact record with multiple Application records

    Hi Kokulan and Clofly

    I've tried the Roll-up field and I’m able to achieve what we are after but only partially. The roll up field is counting all associated Application records and providing a whole number which is great however since it is counting all records it is also adding applications from the past. I added the Roll up field onto a view with certain criteria i.e applications which are for 2021 ect however since the Roll-up is counting all the data the view is inaccurate, so stuck again. I tried to add as many conditions as I could to narrow down the Roll-up field to only count the required records however strangely I’m unable to add all conditions which I could on the Advanced Find not sure why that is (probably due to my lack of knowledge about this)

    I tried to use Calculated field however honestly I’m really baffled by how this works again probably due to my lack of knowledge. I have looked at several online resources and videos but really struggling to grasp this concept especially in relation to what I’m trying to achieve.

    Are either of you able to guide further?


  • BhavC Profile Picture
    BhavC 5 on at
    RE: A Contact record with multiple Application records

    Thank you Kokulan and Clofly for your replies and the links, I've started looking through this and if anything I'll be in touch.

    Kind regards,


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: A Contact record with multiple Application records

    Hi BhavC,

    As per my understanding, did you create a custom entity called "Course" or "Application" and associate it with Contact entity via N:1 relationship?(A contact has multiple application records.)

    If so:

    1. Is there a way to identify all contacts who have more than one application?

    Yes, a possible way is to create a calculated field to Contact entity, which is used to count all associated application records of contact, then add the field as a new column to any view of Contact.(such as My Active Contacts.)

    2. Is there a way to create a customer journey for a contact and combine the titles of all the courses they have applied to and have been offered a place into one Marketing e-mail? 

    Yes, we can show all associated records of contact in a marketing email with for-each loops expression.

    Before adding the expression, the related custom entity need to be synced with marketing-insights service:



  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,050 on at
    RE: A Contact record with multiple Application records


    For the following "Is there a way to identify all contacts who have more than one application?" in CRM, you could create a rollup field on contact record, with a name like "Number of applications" and you can add this field to any contact views and will help you to identify if users have more then one application.

    Please follow the link below to see how you can create a rollup field

    And you could refer to the following docs page to know more about rollup fields

    Note : One thing to keep in mind, the rollup calculation will only update the values every 12 hours by default and I assume this should be sufficient for your requirement. This 12 hour setting can be changed to 1 Hour which is the min value you could set but since this is a system wide change I would not recommend changing this.

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