Please try the following. I have worked it out, and was able to under the drop shipment.
- Few things to touch on as noted below, when you create a dropshipment, when you "receive" the item on the P.O. It is actually shipping it to the customer, since it will never be brought into your location, hence the drop ship. So in order to undo this, you do in fact have to go back to the sales order in order to undo the process persay.
GO to the original Sales order, make you that you reopen it, you will not be able to change anything when it is in a released state. Add a second line item, duplicating the item, and indicating it is a drop shipment as well. The key difference will be to put a negative sign in front of the quantity.
Go back to the original purchase order, and make sure it is reopened as well. Then recall the second line, with the negative quantity, just like you did for the first one. This time it will add the negative quantity. When you receive the item this time, you will be receiving in the negative amount, and thus cancelling out the original shipment.
Please let me know if you have any questions.