Where are my chosen values for financial dimensions saved in the database?
We got it. DefaultDimension is populated (with a record ID of a dimension combination); checking whether it's filled in or not would be indeed useless. You're interested in an individual dimension, therefore you need some code getting the value of this dimension from the value of DefaultDimension field. And that's what we answered below.
By the way, this thread was created by Kai Janssen but now it's Superbunny who continues the discussion. Are those two accounts of the same person?
Where are my chosen values for financial dimensions saved in the database?
Hey all,
It seems it is not understood what exactly I want to do.
I wish to extend the validateWrite method of the projTable.
In there I want to throw an error if no business unit has been entered by the user.
So I will need to check the projects' business unit.
This is NOT the field defaultdimension. I can verify this simply by creating a new project in d365 and then seeing that no business unit has been assigned.
In the database however, the defaultdimension field for this project is of course filled.
So how could I check whether a business unit has been added to a project via the GUI?
Where are my chosen values for financial dimensions saved in the database?
Don't try to work with the tables directly; the data model is very complex. Instead, use existing tables and/or views that simplify the work. I suggest DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage class.
Where are my chosen values for financial dimensions saved in the database?
Hey GirishS,
Thank you for the info.
The problem I am having is that I want to perform logic when changing a projectstage. The logic will basically be throwing an error if no business unit has been selected for the project.
So in order to check if the user has entered a business unit, I need that actual field belonging to the report. (the defaultdimension is always filled, so I can not use this field to assert whether a user assigned a business unit or not)
Where are my chosen values for financial dimensions saved in the database?
Hi Kai,
You can refer to the DimensionAttributeValueSetItem table - This table will have all the financial dimension details.
Inside ProjTable there will be one field called DefaultDimension - Based on this field values you will get financial dimensions from DimensionAttributeValue, DimensionAttributeValueSet and DimensionAttributeValueSetItem.
Girish S.
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