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Deferral setup is incomplete

Posted on by 48
When I save a sales order I get the message /deferral setup is incomplete/. No more information, has anyone else got this status message and can tell me what parameter/setup is incomplete?
thanks, Matilda
  • Suggested answer
    AXGPGal Profile Picture
    AXGPGal 17 on at
    Deferral setup is incomplete
    I have found if you switch the "Interrupt in case of incomplete deferral entry" to "No" that message goes away. You may need to test other scenarios if you were missing a deferral account etc that you may not get a warning. I couldn't find any literature on what this parameter is actually for.
    This option can be found in the Revenue and Expense deferral parameters.
  • Deferral setup is incomplete
    Hi Matilda!
    I struggle with the same issue. Have you finally found a solution?
    thanks in advance, Magda
  • Matilda B Profile Picture
    Matilda B 48 on at
    Deferral setup is incomplete
    Hi Saurabh,
    So I have these settings.
    No problems, the defferal is set to yes
    Then I have another article that I never want to deffer. Then I get the error message that the defferal setup is incomplete.
    Is there any other setup I have missed? It is just a few articles that we want to defferal. 
    Best regards, Matilda
  • Suggested answer
    saurabh bharti Profile Picture
    saurabh bharti 14,932 Super User on at
    Deferral setup is incomplete
    You need to have all the item or item group mapped to Item default setup. So if all RM are going to be deferred then RM should be mapped and if only few items then map inidvisual items.
  • Matilda B Profile Picture
    Matilda B 48 on at
    Deferral setup is incomplete
    The setup is following:
    When I try to save a sales order with an article that is not linked to an item group in the setup (in my case RM - raw material) I get the error message. But when I use an article with the item group RM It's OK. 
    How am I supposed to have the defferal setup parameters? I do not want to deffer every singel sales order line .
    Best regards, Matilda
  • Suggested answer
    saurabh bharti Profile Picture
    saurabh bharti 14,932 Super User on at
    Deferral setup is incomplete
    Hi Matilda,
    There are few required setups like items defaults, templates  etc...
    Here are the blogs for subscription billing please check if this helps:
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Deferral setup is incomplete
    Hi Matilda,
    You can use the Deferrals or Create credit note page to enter or edit the deferral parameters for a sales order line.
    Information about sales order transaction deferral is shown in the screenshot, you can view the following link for more details.
    Deferral transactions in Subscription billing - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
    Best Regards,

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