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We need support to instalation EP over Dynamics AX 2009 + Sharepoint Foundation 10 and Windows Server 2016.


  • WS 2016  with AX 2009 SP1 without EP Role Center deployed 
  • Install SharePoint 2010
  • AX 2009 versión 5.0.1500.3781 Rollup Update 6

  • Create a new site in SharePoint 2010 to ensure that SharePoint 2010 is installed successfully.


  • AX EP Role Center is created fine but site Dynamics not works!!!!! 

In event viewer see this errors:

La página de la parte Web epappon01/.../CnvDefault.aspx no se ha creado correctamente en el sitio. Está intentando agregar una lista que o bien no existe o usa una plantilla de base diferente. System.ApplicationException en Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.Deployment.EPWebPartPage.ImportWebPartPageFromAOT(SPWeb site, String pageUrl, String pageXml, Boolean bOverWrite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates, ISession session) en Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.Deployment.AOTPageDef.DeployWebPages(ISession session, SPWeb site, Boolean isPublicSite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates)
La página de la parte Web epappon01/.../CntDefault.aspx no se ha creado correctamente en el sitio. Está intentando agregar una lista que o bien no existe o usa una plantilla de base diferente. System.ApplicationException en Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.Deployment.EPWebPartPage.ImportWebPartPageFromAOT(SPWeb site, String pageUrl, String pageXml, Boolean bOverWrite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates, ISession session) en Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.Deployment.AOTPageDef.DeployWebPages(ISession session, SPWeb site, Boolean isPublicSite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates)


its possible to acces a part of EP site if clic over links


but not access to DynamicsAX site

Any idea? My regards

  • Andserfig Profile Picture
    Andserfig 55 on at

    Error1 into event viewer  Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal id.10054

    The web part page http: //epappon01/sites/DynamicsAx/CnvStudio/Enterprise%20Portal/CnvDefault.aspx was not created correctly on the site.

    You are trying to add a list that either does not exist or uses a different base template. System.ApplicationException in Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.Deployment.EPWebPartPage.ImportWebPartPageFromAOT (SPWeb site, String pageUrl, String pageXml, Boolean bOverWrite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates, ISession session.DeploeeployPloyPloy session.DeplogeeployPloyPloyment session.DeplogeeployPloyPloymentDynamics.FrameworkPloyagePloyPloyment.Dynamics.Framework.PloyagePloyPloyment.Dynamics.Ployments (ISession session, SPWeb site, Boolean isPublicSite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates)

    Error2 into evetn viewer Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal id.10054:

    The web part page http: //epappon01/sites/DynamicsAx/CntStudio/Enterprise%20Portal/CntDefault.aspx was not created correctly on the site.

    You are trying to add a list that either does not exist or uses a different base template. System.ApplicationException in Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.Deployment.EPWebPartPage.ImportWebPartPageFromAOT (SPWeb site, String pageUrl, String pageXml, Boolean bOverWrite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates, ISession session.DeploeeployPloyPloy session.DeplogeeployPloyPloyment session.DeplogeeployPloyPloymentDynamics.FrameworkPloyagePloyPloyment.Dynamics.Framework.PloyagePloyPloyment.Dynamics.Ployments (ISession session, SPWeb site, Boolean isPublicSite, Boolean allowUnsafeUpdates)

  • nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at


    is there any chance to set Windows language to English, so that you could get an English error message? Thanks!

    Also what exactly did you do when this event appeared in the event viewer?

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