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Sales Accelerator Segment can't be filtered with lookup field

Posted on by 4
I wounder if you could help with my issue?
I have a Lead segment and a field Territory that I would like to use, but I'm not getting any value as usual:
On the other hand, if I'm using Advance find all proper values are available:
The 'Contains' criteria can be used on Segment instead, but the thing is that on one segment there is limitation with max 25 condition, and with this limitation we would need to spend 20 of those just for a single filed so it will be extremely useful if there is some additional configuration that I can set, so this field can be used on Segment like any other lookup all over the application.
  • Suggested answer
    Sales Accelerator Segment can't be filtered with lookup field
    Thank you for you're response.
    I already have this filed on the Lead Form (with expected behaviour)- that is not an issue.
    The issue is only with it's usage on Sales Accelerator Segments when I am creating a query.
    On the Sales Accelerator Segments only this Builder area is available (the one from the picture), so this is the only place where problem occurs.
  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    Sales Accelerator Segment can't be filtered with lookup field
    Our team tried to reproduce your operation, but ultimately could not produce the same problem.
    You can try modifying the Form of the /Lead/ entity and if you can add Territory from the Form while creating /Lead/, then there might be an issue with the creation of the Segment.
    Alternatively, you can create the Segment in the /Segment/ tab and see if your issue recurs, if your issue recurs, this is probably an internal product issue, and you are invited to seek help from Microsoft using the link below.
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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