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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Delete lines of production BOM AX2012 R2

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I have scenario where i want to pick another part from inventory instead of a line on the prod BOM. But AX2012 only allows addition of lines but deletion is not possible. In this case, how do i ensure that the part should not be picked.

If i leave it on the ProdBOM, it is going to unnecessarily generate demand in master planning.

I also tried to make the quantity zero on the ProdBOM and re-estimate which is giving me an error in MRP:

"Cannot delete a record in Net requirements (ReqTrans).An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record."

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  • guru sankar Profile Picture
    guru sankar 75 on at
    RE: Delete lines of production BOM AX2012 R2

    i have tried..

    its working fine for me..

    check with your production order reservation.. is it manual or automatic

  • shrinath Profile Picture
    shrinath 25 on at
    RE: Delete lines of production BOM AX2012 R2

    Hi Kaushik,

    give a try

    In BOM Journal go to lines

    Inventory-->Pick than Add the Picking List Update than registered all  you will notice the Issue status become reserved physically

    once it is reserved physically than you can delete the mother product from BOM Journal


  • guru sankar Profile Picture
    guru sankar 75 on at
    RE: Delete lines of production BOM AX2012 R2

    Estimate the production order. relies the production order. start the production order and do not post the pack slip.

    click the pack slip generated at this stage. make necessary changes and post the pack slip. this will not have any impact on production BOM.

    after that report that production order as report as finished and end the production order.

    i hope this may solve the issue.

  • RE: Delete lines of production BOM AX2012 R2

    Hi Rahul,

    Thanks for the response but as written in my previous post.

    I also tried to make the quantity zero on the ProdBOM and re-estimate which is giving me an error in MRP:

    "Cannot delete a record in Net requirements (ReqTrans).An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record."

    The above error pops out when i try to open net requirements after re-estimating.

  • Rahul Shah Profile Picture
    Rahul Shah 2,692 on at
    RE: Delete lines of production BOM AX2012 R2

    Hi Kaushik,

    Yes, It is true that once production order is estimated, it will not allow user to remove the BOM line but you can set the 'Quantity' field on BOM line to '0' and re-estimate it (as it asks for). This way it will not generate any transaction and master planning will not consider this. You can pick up the other parts by creating and posting the manual picking list journal.

    Alternatively you can also reset the production order to 'Created' state, which will allow user to remove the BOM line but I assume this is not favorable option for your situation.

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