I'm trying to figure out what's the name of the authentication system used by the CRM Web API ? I'm asking that because i have successfully been authenticated with my Web Api using C# because i have found a lot of samples over the internet. And because .NET framework made it easy for me (with helper class) :
AuthenticationParameters ap = AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromResourceUrlAsync(_apiUri).Result; var creds = new ClientCredential(_clientID, _clientSecret); AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(_autorithy _tenantID); var token = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(ap.Resource, creds).Result.AccessToken;
So from what i know i had to firstly authenticate myself to the Microsoft Authority : https://login.microsoftonline.com/ to retrieve a token and then use that token to do requests using a HTTPCLIENT.
But what's the name of that thing ? Because now i have to do the same thing using PowerBuilder which is more harder because i don't have class like AuthenticationParameters or ClientCredential etc ...
I guess i can't use credentials (login/password) i have to use keys i got from Azure. Is it possible to have a curl sample or postman sample to call the authority and get the token using clientSecret, clientId, TenantI, authority ...
Thank you for ready me.