I am trying to find a solution that will allow us to associate a single email thread with multiple accounts and/or contacts. Here is the use case:
Sally, a salesperson at a company using D365, sends an email to Rob, a potential referral source, regarding a sales opportunity at BigCo. Rob doesn't work at BigCo, but he is a friend of Chris', and Chris is an executive at BigCo. In Sally's D365 tenant, Rob & Chris are both Contacts and BigCo is an Account. Sally sends that email using Outlook, and with the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, tracks the email and makes Rob the "Set-Regarding" record. Now when Sally views Rob's Contact card, her outbound email will show up in the Timeline, along with all replies. But Sally also wants the email thread to show up in the Timeline for Bigco, and for Chris. How can she accomplish this?
Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? Seems like such simple functionality. I found a bunch of posts from 2010-2012 indicating that this wasn't possible, but I'm hoping that shortcoming has been remedied by MSFT in the past decade. Our previous CRM (Hubspot) made this extremely easy: you just started typing a name in the "Associated" box and selected the match, repeating for as many related contacts/companies as you wanted to add.
Thanks for the help!