We are on Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and I would like to know the best approach for handling PO invoices when no receipt has been processed. I come from an Oracle EBS background and standard functionality was to allow the posting of the invoice without a receipt having to already have been processed so the expense gets recorded and AP can post all invoices as soon as they received without having to check PO status. If the PO was receipted, the invoices could get paid. If the PO was not receipted the invoice would sit on hold and it was not possible to pay until the PO was received. We have a large number of invoices on the "backlog" and not posted in AX through lack of receipt; they have to be accrued for manually each month and it is a big overhead for our AP team to manually chase up receipts so they can enter PO invoices.
We have a plan to upgrade to D365 in 2022/23 and therefore do not want to build in something that cannot be utilised in D365 which is a consideration of any work we do in this area.