I have one user who has shared a custom view with several other users on our CRM.
All the users have the same permissions and roles on the CRM, and for most of them it is appearing correctly in the /My Views/ list.
For one of the users receiving the shared view however, the view appears at first, but when she refreshes the window or closes and re-opens the browser, the custom view vanishes from the list.
We tried creating the view manually on her PC (using Google Chrome) and the view shows under the /My Views/ list and can be selected, but again, when she refreshes the browser window, the view is no longer visible.
Going in to create a new view again, we can see the old views listed under the /Saved Views/ tab, but only once we select /My Active Saved Views/ from the dropdown. On other people's machines, the views are also visible in the /Active Saved Views/ list.
Does anybody know what I can try to get the views to remain visible and usable for this user?