Hello everyone,
I apologize if I have made any mistakes or if I have not explained my problem well.
I will now clarify exactly what I want to do.
What needs to be done:
I have a Form containing a Grid that displays data from the tables CustInvoiceTrans, CustInvoiceJour, inventitemgroupitem, CustTable, DirpartyTable, and inventitemgroup. I have created a query and set up all the tables correctly as shown in the image:
Now I have added this query to the Form as a data source, but there is a field that I need to perform a specific calculation on. I need to check the ItemID in the CustInvoiceTrans table. If it starts with a certain value, I give it a descriptive name; otherwise, it takes a generic name. I have adjusted this field by adding a Display Method, and I naturally added it to the Grid as shown:
However, I later discovered that the Filter tool does not respond to data in this field, and I cannot filter it. So, I asked my question: How can I filter the Display Method?
I hope this clarifies everything.
Best regards.