When selecting Booking Recurrence related to Agreement Booking Setups we get a dialogue box that opens and by default is populated with todays date as Start Date and End Date is 7 days.
I have prepopulated this by setting the xml in the msdyn_recurrencesettings as below:
On this project however we need the users to populate the recurrence pattern although they should not need to change the start and end dates as these are already populated on the Quote Booking setup in the msdyn_timewindowstart and end dates which are date only.
So prefilling the msdyn_recurrencesettings to populate the start and end date isn't acceptable as we can't then easily check if the msdyn_recurrencesettings has been created by the user as it would already exist.
Any ideas on how to populate these two fields without setting the msdyn_recurrencesettings on create.
There is a Microsoft Idea https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=7581b15b-f85c-e811-bd6d-0003ff68b9c6 for this as well.