Hi All, wondering if anyone has come across this issue, and/or has a solution,
Using The Old Advance Find, when querying a related entity, you have the ability to search by any field flagged as searchable, where as in the new 'Dataverse' Search you can only search by the name. I'll give an example:
Looking at Account Entity we want to filter on a related entity called Territory (a custom entity) in this 'Territory' we have a Description (primary Name Column) and a Code (whole Number)
in the new Dataverse Search, when building the filter, we can only search the related entity by the name and not the code. in my example screen shot I know that the 'Territory' with a name of "OTHER" has a code value of "99" but I cannot search by this code
But in the old Advance Find this is not an issue, I can Search by Code, Description and a number of other fields.
So has anyone found a work around for this, am I doing something wrong or is it something Microsoft is going to fix, any help would be appreciated