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Sell an item for £0?

Posted on by 462

Any ideas how you can sell an item for £0. If we send out a marketing item or replacement for a warranty we have no way of selling an item through for £0 it seems?

I have tried discounting down 100% but it doesn't like that either?

  • Suggested answer
    BCgs Profile Picture
    BCgs 462 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    Just as a resolution on this after hearing back from Microsoft.

    All you need to do is add the item and remove anything in the "Unit Price" & "Line Amount" fields it will say *The value for this field is required. however it is not and you can proceed without filling in any values and this will let you post something at zero value.


  • Suggested answer
    Claus Profile Picture
    Claus 995 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    You have to have some value in unit price and then give 100% discount

  • BCgs Profile Picture
    BCgs 462 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    Sorry if i sound stupid but where would i log that contact? it seems to point me back to this forum? many thanks for your help

  • Suggested answer
    keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,671 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    please contact microsoft UK and raise a support ticket.

  • BCgs Profile Picture
    BCgs 462 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    We are using the English United Kingdom localisation

  • keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,671 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    which localisation do you use (country)?

  • jerome77 Profile Picture
    jerome77 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?


    I have same error message than yours but … I do not understand, you need to add a line amount with 0 unit price…? Then for sure you will get error message here

  • Suggested answer
    keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,671 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    i get the error only if i set the unit prize to 0 and set a line amount > 0.

  • Suggested answer
    keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,671 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    i work also with that version, but do not get that error.

    maybe a bug in the UK localisation.

  • BCgs Profile Picture
    BCgs 462 on at
    RE: Sell an item for £0?

    I am using the saas cloud version 15.4 but it has been the same on previous versions. I was looking at some old forum posts on Nav and it seems people have made modifications to allow this? But would have thought this would be a pretty common problem people would come across?

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