Would GP allow me to consolidate multiple drop ship orders into one sales invoice?
Would GP allow me to consolidate multiple drop ship orders into one sales invoice?
You are very welcome! The consolidated invoicing add-on from Dynavistics is solid, just hopefully not overkill.
I mentioned Willoware too because they do a LOT of customization work for GP and they might be able to make a very lightweight and simple solution.
Thank you Joseph! I have been looking at Dynavistics. This might be the alternative. Didnt see anything from Willoware.
Out of the box functionality in GP can't do it.
There is a consolidated invoicing add-on from an ISV called Dynavistics.
You might also inquire with another GP ISV called Willoware. They do a lot of GP customization work.
I hope this helps.
Raised a support ticket with Microsoft, the answer to this question is - No.
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