I am trying to export a single entity to a Sql database. Schema creations happened successfully. But when I do the export it failed with no errors. How can I find the cause?
yes as I said even the schema creation happens for staging tables when I publish entities.
It seems issue with BYOD database. Can you validate connection string and connect to BYOD database from SQL server. Please share screenshot of 'configure entity export to database' form.
It is an azure SQL database. I am testing this uat snadbox environment. I have followed the same steps as in the link.
Right, Please check if you can access BYOD database. Is the BYOD database created in Devbox or it's Azure SQL database used in Sandbox or prod environment?
it is same with other entities too.
Is the other data entities working for BYOD? If yes, then try dropping and re publishing the data entity.
Yes entity is published and schema is created in BYOD database as well. I tried exporting to a csv is says successfully ended. but were can I find the csv file. Also I tried deleting the index as mentioned in another post and exporting to BYOD. But still did not work
"<?xml version="1.0"?><Errors><Error><ErrorCode>-2146233088</ErrorCode><SubComponent>Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper</SubComponent><Description>DMF2008 - at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntityDBPackageExport.AddEntityDBDataFlowComponent(Package package, String commandText)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFPackageControllerEntityDB.CreateAndExecutePackage(DMFEntityDBHelper entityDBHelper)
at DMFExecutePackage.PackageCreator.processByodEntity()
at DMFExecutePackage.Program.Main(String[] args)</Description></Error><Error><ErrorCode>-1071611876</ErrorCode><SubComponent>Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap</SubComponent><Description>Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C - at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.AcquireConnections(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntityDBPackageExport.AddEntityDBDataFlowDestinationComponent(Package package, MainPipe dataFlowTask, IDTSComponentMetaData100 rowCountComponent)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntityDBPackageExport.AddEntityDBDataFlowComponent(Package package, String commandText)</Description></Error></Errors>
error labelId:
"Export execution failed for entity Inventory historical transaction for legacy system: Export failed while copying data from staging to target:"
Please confirm that data entity is published. If yes, then try exporting to excel or csv file. If you are using incremental push then change to full push and export. Also, dropping the entity and re-publishing might help.
This is the log "Export execution failed for entity DAXV Customer Transaction: Export failed while copying data from staging to target:"
How can I resolve this
Hi, Please check if there is anything in 'View Execution Log'
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