Hello! I am looking to build a report that shows direct material price variance by item throughout history. In order to do this accurately, I need to be able to link the general ledger entries posted to the direct material price variance account to their associated posted purchase invoice line (in the circumstance the entry was derived from a purchase invoice). This will allow me to derive the item information, which is what I am interested in.
If I attempt to do this report using the posted purchase invoice lines data directly, then I run the risk of not calculating the correct purchase price variance for a historical purchase invoice because we may have changed the standard in the meantime.
I am fairly new to using business central data, but it seems this should be possible since the standard cost is at an item level and the posting into that account occurs at the item level. I have only found ways to link the data through the document # (aka the posted purchase invoice).
Any help or guidance is much appreciated! Thanks!