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Send a contact through a customer journey when the contact falls in and out of a segment.

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Hello Experts,

I have the following use case: (Using outbound marketing)

A Dynamic segment is set to query contacts that for ex. those who 'have not paid an invoice'. 
These contacts are sent an email reminder through a customer journey. 
After this action, say the customer has paid the outstanding amount. This will push the contact out of the segment. 

Problem: After a few months the same contact defaults once more, and gets into the same Dynamic segment. 

As per MS documentation, a Contact can pass thru the customer journey only once.
Which brings me to the overarching question, how to handle such defaulting cases, to pass the customer journey again and again, that sends the same reminder mail. 

Note: This isnt a case of a recurring flow. 
Solution brainstrom:

1. I thought to use Real Time marketing as it can be trigger based. But I am not able to get my head around this setting in the customer journey:

I can cancel out 'Never' and 'After' directly. But 'Immediately'  also doesn't fit as the contact details remain the same (meeting the trigger condition) until the payment is completed. Does that mean the contact keeps going thru the journey unless the trigger conditions are not met? Would like to have some insights here. 

2. Option to use a cloud flow. This could get complicated !

Has anyone come across this situation? Seems as a common use case? Any leads are highly appreciated.

  • Send a contact through a customer journey when the contact falls in and out of a segment.
    Many thanks for the guide, Haig Liu.
    Have a good day! 
  • Suggested answer
    Haig Liu Profile Picture
    Haig Liu Microsoft Employee on at
    Send a contact through a customer journey when the contact falls in and out of a segment.
    Hi Roystan Dsouza,
    Here is what the document says about repetition frequency:
    We can choose to have our contacts experience only one journey, or we can have them repeat multiple journeys at regular intervals.
    Don't worry about repetitive messages being sent to disturb customers, we can set a frequency cap to avoid it.
  • Dsouza_28 Profile Picture
    Dsouza_28 7 on at
    Send a contact through a customer journey when the contact falls in and out of a segment.
    Hi @HaigLu,

    Thank you. So, if I use a segment based journey in RTM , can a contact go through the journey more than once ? 
  • Suggested answer
    Haig Liu Profile Picture
    Haig Liu Microsoft Employee on at
    Send a contact through a customer journey when the contact falls in and out of a segment.
    Hi partner,
    If you need to use segment-based journeys, you can set the frequency to ongoing.
    Repeat, on the other hand, is only available for trigger-based journeys and specifies the closest time that the contact entering the journey can next enter the journey.
    You can set a suitable time interval based on past experience, or you can set the frequency to immediate if the contact will not enter the journey again for a short time.

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