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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Error when Posting Purchase Order

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi All,

Trying to post a purchase invoice in NAV 2013R2 and I get this error prompt.

Number of lines in this PO do not reach line no. 10015 so we find it baffling.

Would appreciate if anyone can give any idea on how to resolve this error.

Thank you and regards,

Sol R.


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  • Suggested answer
    RainerK Profile Picture
    RainerK on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order


    I guess you have the following situation:
    1. The field "Invoice Disc. Code" in the header of your purchase order is filled
    2. In the associated record of the table "Vendor Invoice Disc." the field "Service Charge" is filled and the amount of your purchase order is less then the field "Minimum Amount" in the table "Vendor Invoice Disc."
    With this constellation with releasing the purchase order the System creates a new line with the Service Charge
    ==> as your last line No. in the order is 15, the new line is created as line 10015 by default
    ==> This should be the reason why you can't see that line in your order

    But there must be another problem on filling the "Gen. Bus. Posting Group" in the new created line:
    In the standard this field in the lines is filled from the same field in the header
    ==> Check if the field is filled in the header
    ==> If the field is filled in the header, there seems to be some customization that the field is not (always) set from the header

    Hope this helps

    Best regards

  • Suggested answer
    CDsilva Profile Picture
    CDsilva 4,184 on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Sol.R,

    In case you get the access to the development environment, validate the Type, No field before inserting into Purchase Line.

    To debug from front end, you can type sessions in the search bar, this will open a session list then select the session and click on debug button in the Home tab. this will help you trace the error


  • Suggested answer
    Amol Salvi Profile Picture
    Amol Salvi 18,694 on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Check the field Gen.Bus Posting group for Line No 10015 of given Purchase order.

  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Sol,

    That is a good idea to contact the, It will be easier to fix the issue with access to your system.

    Good luck, I hope this will be fixed quickly.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Marcell,

    Unfortunately I do not have access to the development environment. I believe the debugger can only be activated from there? As I am only on the user side, perhaps I should contact the provider to assist on the matter?

    Thank you very much for your significant input and assistance, Marcell. Will update you on the progress of this issue.



  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Sol,

    Looks like the only way to pinpoint the error is to debug your session and run the post action on the order.

    Are you able to do that?

    Do you have any customisations in your system? Is it possible that custom code creates a new line in your PO before you post? I think that would make sense because if an error occurs the changes will roll back so we wouldn't be able to find that line.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Marcell,

    After filters were removed, I was able to find Line No. 10015 but they were related to other PO numbers:

    See screenshot below.




  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Could you please remove the Type = Item filter? To see if the line number comes up?

    If not, can you remove the Document No. filter as well and filter to

    Document Type= Order and Line No.=10015?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Marcell,

    I tried doing that and this is the screenshot of what I got:


    I filtered to one of the Purchase Orders that are having issues. For this screen shot, I filtered to PO-2016-675. For this particular PO, the prompt error is that line no. 10015 does not have the gen. bus. posting group. However, as seen here, there is no purchase line bearing that number since line numbers for this PO are only within line nos. 1 to 15. Please note also that this PO has already been received, but not yet invoiced.



  • Marcellus Profile Picture
    Marcellus 2,735 on at
    RE: Error when Posting Purchase Order

    Hi Sol,

    Let's try to find those purchase lines. Can you open an item in Departments/Purchase/Planning/Items and drill down on the Qty. on Purchase Order value?


    This will open the Purchase Lines page. It will be filtered to the current item so you have to remove the filters first then you can filter to Document Type, Document No and Line No.


    Please post a screenshot of the lines. I hope this will bring us closer to the solution.

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