When I try to copy a template with "Copy Project" -function, AX add "_0000" to the project I want to copy the structure to?
When I try to remove "_000", by enabling manual assigning of ProjectID's - AX says that I have to have a subproject?
I have just realized that I am not suppose to use "Parent project" -field but the "New project" -field.
I can only use template for new projects; not projects that has already been created.
Thanks for all input!
Good morning flunte70,
Provided that you have the correct user rights, you should see a separate module with the name "Data import export framework".
Best regards,
Thanks, I'll check if we have Data Import/Export Framework installed (as I cannot find it)?
Hi flunte70,
As workaround, you can also use the Data import export framework to import the sub-projects from e.g. an Excel file. This would initially take some time to find the correct fields to be filled in, but would save thereafter a lot of time compared to creating 177 manually.
I can replicate the same issue in one of the environments. It is starting from 00 instead of 01.
Sorry guys, I have started to create all the 177 sub-projects manually - which will probably take som hours - but that's just too bad...
Thanks for your efforts...
We have autonumbering, so if I create a sub-project, it will be _0001...
Looks like something is customized here.
Can you try creating a sub-project and check the number getting generated?
Could you please share the format setup for project 109515?
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