Hi Masters
The system displays the following message
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Hi Masters
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The message implies you are trying to reduce the quantity by more than the backorder amount You can cancel sales order lines only when the line quantity has not been processed for delivery.
Sales order –> select sales line—> click Update line —> select Deliver remainder. the Update remaining quantity form opens then Click the Cancel quantity button. That should ensure that the system cancels only unprocessed quantity.
An open Output order is typically the the problem. If so then check whether you have the "End output inventory order" activated in Inventory Management Parameters.
Ending the output orders (use the Functions button ) is necessary to complete your orders
If not using output orders (i.e. you use WHS – advanced warehousing) but your system is creating these when picklists are created, you can automatically end the orders by ticking the box in Inventory management parameters:
Another possible reason is marking. Marking hard links transactions to one another to enforce reservations. For example, the sales order line might be marked to a production order so that when the production order is RAF’d that inventory is immediately physically reserved to the Sales order line and cannot be used elsewhere. Markings can prevent certain updates from occurring. You can find if your transaction is marked by clicking on the line then the Inventory button and selecting “Marking” If Marking is applied then there will be a green check-mark in the form that opens, and you can remove it then try to process the update.
Can you describe the steps that you made that triggered this error message?
Many thanks and best regards,
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional