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Is it possible to index the main field from a lookup field ?

Posted on by 188

We have link our opportunities to another entity (quote headers from the ERP). We would like to be able to find the opportunities by searching with the value of the main field from the other entity (it's the quote number). It's set as "searchable", but it's not working. I guess because it's a lookup field and not the actual value of the quote number. Is it possible to make it work? Without having to copy the value of the quote number in a new field on the opportunity, ideally. Thanks in advance for your help ! :)

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,319 Moderator on at
    RE: Is it possible to index the main field from a lookup field ?


    Open "Quick Find View" of the opportunity entity and add "ERP quote" field to the list of "search" fields.

  • FrancoisT Profile Picture
    FrancoisT 188 on at
    RE: Is it possible to index the main field from a lookup field ?

    Here is the capture. i'm connecting this opportunity with this quotation (number FRQU-002142) and I want to be able to find this opportunity if it's entering "FRQU-002142" in the general search engine. but it's not finding the opportunity. Is it possible just with this lookup field in the opp ? or should I also have another field with this value in the opportunity ? I hope it's clearer. 

    And yes, it's one to many (we can put one quotation in each opp, and one quotation may appear in several opportunities)


  • Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: Is it possible to index the main field from a lookup field ?


    Is the relationship between opportunity and another entity a many-to-one relationship?

    Would you please provide some screenshots to describe your problem?

    I'm not quite sure where you need to search for opportunities.

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