I have created multiple journeys testing out the If/Then statement and each time the results are different. I have an event that is using a form for registration. The journey starts with the invite email being sent, it has a link to the event for the RSVP and has been linked to the form in the email elements. The next piece is the If registered which is sourced to the form and the condition is if registered. The yes branch then goes to a swim lane of submitted form users and an email confirmation is sent. The no lane sends an email reminder to RSVP.
The issue I am having, is that the people that have registered go down both paths. They go into the swim lane and proceed down that path, but then after the wait up to time has expired, they also travel down the no path. One test had one user only go through the yes path, and the remaining 3 users that had RSVPd went down both paths. None of the users have the same contact information. I did try the journey with just the yes and no path, excluding the swim lane for registered users, but that did not work either.
Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? I don't want to send users that have registered, the emails intended for the unregistered users.
Thank you!