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Your package does not contain package deployer dll and the managed solution is not properly structured for AppSource Package.

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Anyone please provide me the steps for create managed solution for appsource package and what it means by "Your package does not contain package deployer dll".What i have to do for solve this?.For Appsource, settings--> solutions-->exported solution will not work?

Im new to it .please guide me


  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Your package does not contain package deployer dll and the managed solution is not properly structured for AppSource Package.

    Hi, Bala

    Package deployer dll is which the assembly contains the custom code for your package. For example: SamplePackage.dll.

    It must be contained in the


    So here is the step about how to create the dll file.

    1. Download the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK Templates from Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK Templates - Visual Studio Marketplace.
    2. Create a new project in Visual Studio using the CRM Package template.



    1. Add your managed solution file to PkgFolder and set the Copy to Output Directory as Copy always.


    1. Update the HTML files.

    In the HTML folders of the EndHtml and WelcomeHtml you add the welcome and end text that you want to be displayed in the installation wizard when your product is installed.


    1. Define custom code for your package

    double-click the PackageTemplate.cs file at the root to edit it.


    1. Build the project to create the package.

    You will then get a folder, which will contain your solution files and some other stuff and an assembly e.g. MyProduct.dll which contains the custom code.

    1. Deploy a package.

    You can download and install the Package Deployer Tool from:

    Download tools from NuGet (Developer Guide for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement) | Microsoft Docs

    Deploy packages using Package Deployer and Windows PowerShell - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs

    1. For the other steps of how to publish an app on AppSource, you can refer the next document:

    Publish your app on AppSource (Microsoft Dataverse) - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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