How do I rectify this issue??
Hi Eddie,
Like Girish mentioned above, it should work with the standard role Project accountant. I just verified this with a test user in my environment and the same role set you provided.
Can you tell if the user is able to see the menu item 'All timesheets' in the menu? Is there any organization assignment applied to the role for this user?
It could be related to limited access due to the organization assignment or some security customizations/configurations which overwrites the behavior of the standard role.
Girish - Thank you!
That is not the case, the tstimesheetentrygridviewalltimesheets has been granted.
André - Hope this helps you help me. Thank you!
Employee assigned roles:
Manager Role:
Hi Eddie,
Can you update us if you are using standard or custom(ized) roles? What role(s) has been assigned to the user?
All timesheet should open if you have Project accountant role.
You can navigate to System administrator >> Security >> Security configuration - On the role and privilege tab check whether menu item "tstimesheetentrygridviewalltimesheets" has been given "Deny" access.
Girish S.
Girish S.
I have added that to his role today. All previous time sheets prior to today still show the same error. I will have to come back at the end of the next pay period and give an update.
Thank you so much!
Have you tried with "Project accountant" role?
Girish S.
Mohit Rampal -
Can you please send a screen shot of where I may be able to find what you are suggesting. I have tried and I do not see this option.
Thank you
Girish S - Thank you!
The individual in question does have Project time user as an assigned role. In addition, he assigned as manager role and his employee have an established hierarchy relationship as well.
He is still given the same error message. If you have any other suggestions, please send my way I am at my wits end.
Hi Eddie,
Does this user have more roles assigned? Possibly there is a role where a privilege had been overridden and is denying access now.
From the Security configuration form, it is possible to explicit deny access and then it overrides all other permission for the same menu item.
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