Hello dear All,
I was wondering if you could help me out with some implementations I need to fulfill.
All the requests are regarding Dynamics 365 Omnichannel, and the conversation entity in CRM. I will list the requests in bullets below.
• Save the data inputted into the pre-conversation survey that customers have to fill before they connect with an agent to chat.
This data must be saved in new fields inside conversation entity, but since this entity is managed, I cannot add new fields.
• Implement a pop up alert, informing users when the system cannot link the chatting customer with a customer inside Dataverse (through email matching).
This will be shown to the user only and not the customer, and it should just accept the acknowledgement of the user "I Understand" button.
• Implement a timer on the chat communication panel, which will be visible at all times by the CS agent, and will inform the time they took to respond from the last message sent (by the user).
For this I would need to know how to get the timestamps each time a message is sent.
• Access the chat sessions details, specifically the timestamps in which the customer completed the pre-chat survey and entered the chat, and the timestamp in which the customer left the chat.
I am having a difficult time because I have not used/configured omnichannel never before, and it seems that its entities are closed for modification, so I cannot play around the conversation entity and test things out.
I would appreciate any thought / idea you may have, even negative. Thank you so much for taking this time to read my message, and thank you in advance for any input!
Best Regards -John.