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Working with Translation Words missing

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Hello everyone,

today I tried to import a translation file in DYN365CE for German translation.

Unfortunately, a word related to Business Process WorkFlow is not translated;

So I searched this word on Default translation file (extracted from Default solution)

I found the missing word

What is it the workflow Categories Object and how I can include in my solution ?

Entity Name: Workflow Categories

ObjectID: 8ebb46ac-a326-4525-afdb-9464c048fd65
1033 Assess
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  • Suggested answer
    Gmanunta81 Profile Picture
    Gmanunta81 317 on at
    RE: Working with Translation Words missing

    thanks a lot

  • Verified answer
    RE: Working with Translation Words missing

    Hello Giovanni,

    Thank you for the post.

    Regarding the behaviour you encountered, unfortunately I am not 100% sure I understood the question, but you have below some points to be taken into consideration while working with Business Process Flows which can potentially clarify the issue without the missing details:

    - by default BPFs have a specific way of working, comparing with the remaining Workflow categories, this specific way of working is defined by 2 elements in regards with the metadata: the workflow definition from WorkflowBase and its associated entity having the same display name as the workflow and a schema name like bpf_workflowid (the workflowId in this case, if I'm not mistaking does not have the dash symbols)

    - while having that specific way of working, you have the option to translate elements, but if that element is for example a field, its LocalizedLabel will be taken from the BPF entity instead of the BPF workflow definition.

    If that is the case, and based on the naming convention and on the Default solution behaviour, you may have forgotten to add the associated entity and its elements to the solution.

    Could you please help me with more details about the missing word from your custom solution's translation, is it an attribute, or what exactly is it?

    Thank you!

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