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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

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Hi all,

I am curious about signing limits these days. But I couldn't run it.

I have a signing limit policy. in this policy Purchase Manager approval limit is 1000 usd and spending limit is 5000 usd and Purchase Coordinator's approval limit is 5000 usd spending limit is 10000 usd.

I create a workflow Assignment rule like that.


and I submit a PurchReq as 2000 usd.

System assigned approve task to Purchase Manager. but it shouldn't be. because Purchase managers limit is 1000 usd.

is there any wrong or incomplete definition?

thanks for time.

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  • davut Profile Picture
    davut 2 on at
    RE: Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

    Hello Paolo

    Thank you very much.

    I solved it with with your support.


  • Verified answer
    RE: Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

    Hi david,

    sorry I forgot to mention one step, because with the indication I told you the requester, if the Purchase Requisition is above the Requester's spending limit he will NEVER approves it. To make the Requester himself approve it if above his/her spending limit I have implemented the following steps:

    1) Add a step in the approval process BEFORE the actual one


    2) Set the "Assigned to" condition to the Workflow originator (the requester):


    3) Put the following conditions so thet the step will only be performed if the Purchase Requisition is above the Initiator spending limit.


    Ok, now I think that's all.


  • RE: Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

    Thanks Paolo!

    Ran into a very similar problem and your suggestions resolved my situation

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

    Hi David,

    unfortunately AX is reasoning this way: if you set the Hierarcy selection "Start from: Requester" it actually means that the first one to be selected for approval will be the user you called "y".

    If you want for the workflow to autoapprove if purchreq is below user x's limit you can do one of the following:

    1) put an automatic action in which you specify that below the approval/spending limit of the Requester the document must Approve;


    2) set an activation condition by which you only run the approval step if the document total (usually excl tax) is above the requester's approval limit;


    Hope il helps!


  • davut Profile Picture
    davut 2 on at
    RE: Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

    Hi Paolo

    Thanks for your reply.

    I tried first step what you meant.

    but I can't assigned first approver.

    for example I have 2 approver for PurchReqs (x and y).

    I defined limit is 1000 $ for x. and I defined 2000 $ for y.

    I created a purchreq under 1000 $ and submitted it.

    system has to assign task first x and after x approve it assign y.

    but system assign it y directly.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Signing Limits in Purchase Requisition

    Hi david,

    I would check the following things:

    1) You setup the stop conditions, it does mean that the workflow will stop when it finds an employee with an Approval limit GREATER THAN the Approval amount. So, it is right that is doing the approval step to the Purchase Manager. If you do not want it, you should setup a condition for the activation for which if the Requester equals the Preparer that specific approval step should not apply.

    Alternatively, you can put in the "hierarchy option" tab the condition for which only the last approver has to approve, in this way it will jump right to the last approver not considering the first one;

    2) Did you correctly setup the hierarchy from the Human Resource module, in the field "Subject to"?

    3) Keep in mind that Approval limits and Spending limits are read by the workflow ONLY IF you do FOR EACH the setup you pasted in your question.

    You can find many very well explained info at the following link:

    Hope it helps!


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