Hello everyone.
I know that we can to do it:
var fc = executionContext.getFormContext(); var warningId = "warningid"; var accountName = fc.getAttribute("name").getValue(); var phone = fc.getAttribute("phone").getValue(); if (accountName === nul || phone === null) { fc.ui.setFormNotification("Name or Phone is empty", "WARNING"); } if (accountName !== null && phone !== null) { fc.ui.clearFormNotification(warningId); }
But, if we have tabs and sections.
I means, if we have some tab with 3 sections. Into of each section we have many fields. Is there a way to loop these tabs or sections?
var tabMain = fc.ui.tabs.get("tab_main"); var sectionProfile = tabMain.sections.get("sec_profile");
I would like to show in a single string several lines with the error or errors.
Thank you.