Checking to see if anyone else has had this issue. We are using D365 Online and every since the functionality that gives visibility to Teams availability has been implemented some of our users have been having issues working in the system. It appears that the system tries to do a separate authentication aside from general access to get teams availability (according to microsoft) However some of our users get caught in a seemingly never ending auth loop. Its hard to pin down when exactly it starts to do this. Making live troubleshooting an issue.
There is a work around to append "&flags=FCB.MicrosoftGraphApi=false" to the end of the URL however we certainly want to fix this. According to Microsoft, "This is by design"...
One of the last users that did that I was able to look at the network traffic and seen a 400 bad request that triggered the auth loop. The user has tried every browser they have and gets the same results.