Trying to set up Dynamics to run on an RDP server that end users can access with a link on their desktop without the weblink interface, so that it opens directly to Dynamics. Is there a way to set this up or is the weblink the only option?
Trying to set up Dynamics to run on an RDP server that end users can access with a link on their desktop without the weblink interface, so that it opens directly to Dynamics. Is there a way to set this up or is the weblink the only option?
Hi JKennedy,
Please read my blog post about using GP on a remote server system (RDS or Citrix) written many years ago.
Most of it sill applies as of today.
I recently setup a few clients on RDS servers, and still use the same technique with a batch file to launch GP and personalize the DEX.ini file per user.
The main difference is that I don't put the dex.ini file into the %appdata% path anymore, as it is more complicated to clean-up or delete when an upgrade is done. Instead, I point the various user DEX.ini's into the same Data subfolder where the main DEX.ini resides, but give it the windows user name as a suffix..
The batch file to launch GP checks for the presence of a file named DEX_%username%.ini and if it exists it uses it to start GP, if not it just copies a new profile based on the default DEX.ini.
This forum is about Dynamics GP... not AX. You may want to post your question in the ad-hoc forum
BTW, to answer your question, an app crash happens on GP core sometimes too (dynamics.exe), and usually the problem is the environment (.NET libraries or some other system libraries).
It is fully possible that you can open AX in full RDP mode from 98% of the computers, but with your Surface Pro 3 which has a much higher screen resolution than most computers, this could lead to some execution problems related to the display resolution.
I'd try to change the properties of the AX32.exe application and make sure it does not try to adjust for high-resolution displays.. this might help
Having same issue with that. We are testing the use of Dynamics AX on a remote server in Azure.
So we start an RDP session, start AX and it works just fine. However, when doing the same from a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and Pro 4 device, the app crashes as soon as it's opened.
It works on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 on any other device. Works fine on a VM. It doesn't work on any Surface Pro device, no matter what OS is installed on it.
When I RDP on one device, start the app and then take over that session on a Surface Pro the app crashes as soon as the session is open.
I never seen this behaviour before. Any suggestions? What is so special on a Microsoft Surface compared to any other device out there.
Event Viewer just logs an APPCRASH event: Faulting application name: Ax32.exe Faulting Module = KERNELBASE.DLL
Do you mean like using Dynamics GP via RemoteApp and/or something similar?
We don't have any walk throughs or anything like that, but if you've setup any other applications to be launched via a link on a desktop, Dynamics GP wouldn't be much different, just be sure you're adding, in the shortcut or link, the Dynamics.set on top of the Dynamics.exe, such as what a regular Dynamics GP shortcut looks like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Dynamics.exe" Dynamics.set
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