Hello, we have below scenario to Implement within Dynamics Marketing:
We have 3 three entities within dynamics. Contacts, Role ad Brand where Role and Brand are custom entities we created.
1. We have to create a relationship between above 3 entities where we have a scenario a Contact might have association to a Role ( or Roles which has two values – Bartender and Consumer) and Brand (or Brands) where by selecting a Role only Brands associated to that Role should be viewed. For eg. If user selects Role – Consumer within contact, only Brand associated to that role – consumer should be viewed. To highlight the same please refer below diagram:
2. Another requirement within same scenario is once a Brand is selected after selecting a Role, as per the Brand selected - marketing details (marketing communications, Insights, Interactions etc..) within Contact should change accordingly.
I guess we might need some technical implementation with above scenarios as this might need some Javascripts need to be implemented.
Can please anyone guide us how do we achieve this?