Good day!
For your kind assistance. Please advise on how to fix below issue:
Since 28/4/2023 the currency exchange rate not getting updated.
This notification is showing:
An exchange rate could not be found for ISO currency codes USD and SGD, on the following date: 5/2/2023. Verify the ISO currency codes that are supported by the provider and that are available for the requested date.
What to do to fix the issue and for currency rates to be updated? Thank you.
Hi Sharlene,
Perhaps this warning/error message could be the symptom of a mismatching configuration between the Currency Code and the ISO currency code. Browse using mi=systablebrowser&tablename= currency to make sure both fields are having same values. If not make sure it's same by changing it through currencies setup form in GL.
Best Regards,
Noted on this Alireza Eshaghzadeh . will ask our technical to debug the issue.
Thank you.
Hi Sharlene,
Please check
1- If you get value from url of exchange rate provider (i.e. you get response from the link). As example, following is URL of daily exchange rate from one Norwegian bank:
2- If there is currency code USD and SGD in the provided (You can also check if Bank has not change their tags)
3- If 1 and 2 look great, you can check with developer to debugge the issue.
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