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Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

Posted on by 287

How should I customize the Lead entity in order to show Topic or Company text field as Name. The only approach I found was using a workflow to update either the first or last name field. This messes with the creation of a contact later on.

  • KVa Profile Picture
    KVa 287 on at
    RE: Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

    That's also what I think to implement. Use the "Last Name" field to file the name of the lead, then prevent the creation of contacts upon lead qualification, and show the "Parent Contact for lead" field in order to link a contact to the lead.

  • shogg Profile Picture
    shogg 39 on at
    RE: Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

    My sales organization works similarly and I've not found a great way to do this so far. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread in case someone comes back with a good suggestion. Here's how we've approached it:

    If we DO have contact information, we use that in the name field and update it as needed as the Lead POC changes. If we do NOT have good contact information for the Lead we are pursuing, we use something fake like "TBD" in the name field. You could also create a dummy contact record and have all of those leads associated with the same record. We have configured the Lead to Opportunity conversion to NOT automatically create contacts, accounts, or opportunities upon qualification -- instead a dialogue appears and asks whether to create some or all of these records. With this approach we are not forced to create a contact record when converting the Lead to an Opportunity.

    This does not fix the issue with how the lead information is displayed, but it is the workaround we've been using to more closely match our sales process.

  • KVa Profile Picture
    KVa 287 on at
    RE: Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

    Got it, thanks. The Lead-Opportunity process in our organization is mostly not bound to a specific person until very late in the process. How would you handle such a situation.

  • Suggested answer
    Leco Lv Profile Picture
    Leco Lv on at
    RE: Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

    Hi partner,

    You're right, there may be consequences for later usage, so it's generally not recommended.

  • KVa Profile Picture
    KVa 287 on at
    RE: Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

    I want to Display the value from Company field as Name of the Lead (fullname). Is the only approach here to misuse the first and last name fields (which messes with the contact creation later on), or do I have other options?


  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 5,816 Moderator on at
    RE: Change Lead Name to Topic or Company?

    Can you elaborate your requirements more? 

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