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Virtual Entities and the Common Data Service

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I have an entity called "core_region". this entity is defined in a sperate solution called CORE which contains all global lookup tables in the same D365 tenant.

I have a new solution called "Contract Amendments (CA_)" that needs to use the data in the CORE solution. I don't want to make CORE a reference it in my new solution as I don't want it to be a "hardened" related entity.

So I would like to create a Virtual Entity called "ca_regions".

I'm having a lot of issues getting the data to pull back.  I have followed many OData examples but none of them show to use the OData provider to connect to your own Common data Service.

Does anyone know if this can be done, and if so do you have an example?

I'm using this API Url from my tenant as my Odata Provider.


This is my Data Service. All I've defined is my my URL.


I have defined my virtual entity:


And i've mapped my Fields:


Now I know all these values work. I can pull back the data using the API.  


So its either that this can't be done, or I'm missing something.  I'm also using a "SysAdmin" user so I should have full righs.

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