My database contains 500 accounts that have a "Parent Account".
We do not use this feature and it creates issues (unwanted cascading, ownership issues,...).
I want to stop using this field and to delete all the "Parent/Child" relationships between accounts.
I tried to do that by searching for all the accounts that had data in the field "Parent Account". I clicked on "Modify" but I cannot modify the "Parent Account" field that way.
My other idea would be :
1. To create the following workflow:
==> If the field XXX (XXX being a field I will never use) is modified, then Erase the date in the Parent Account field.
2. Select the 500+ accounts and modify the field XXX
I think it would work but this would obviously be a strange way to do it.
Is there any "clean way" to do this?
Thank you
Best regards