I have an external web service that asks for an XmlNode as a parameter, and returns another XmlNode.
I tried this code:
{ ReferenceWebService.SoapClient soapWS; xmldocument doc; XmlNode xml; XmlNode xmlResult; ; doc = new xmldocument(); doc.load(_Path _xmlFile); xml = doc.documentElement(); try { new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert(); soapWS = new ReferenciaWebService.SoapClient("endPointName"); xmlResult = soapWS.recordService(xml); //definition: XmlNode recordService(XmlNode docIn) CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); } catch(Exception) { [...] } return xmlResult; }
When i compile i get this error in the line 17: "The argument '1' is incompatible with the necessary type."
So, How can I send that .xml?
The service works with other functions that ask for other parameters, but with the functions that ask for XmlNode I have this problem.
I also tested the web service outside Ax, for example, the SoapUI application or a console app in c #, created by me, and all functions work correctly.
I have looked for examples of web services from AX, but I didn't find any with xml, nor the same problem in any forum.
Thanks for your help.