Hi, does anyone know how to validate images URL in KB when publish the article? My plugin does not trigger on Publish messages to validate the URL. is there any other way to do it.
Hi, does anyone know how to validate images URL in KB when publish the article? My plugin does not trigger on Publish messages to validate the URL. is there any other way to do it.
Hi Liton,
I find that the status field can be changed with ’Published‘ value when you publish the knowledge article.
So you can use ‘when a record is updated’ as the trigger in the flow.
(1) Go Settings > Microsoft flows to add an automatic flow and select ‘when a record is updated’.
(2) set trigger.
(3) add ‘condition’ action to check status value.
(4) add ‘get a record’ action to get ‘content’ value.
Then you can do operation about validating images url.
Leah Ju
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