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Ecommerce B2C customers records are not syncing in HQ

Posted on by 30
Hi All
I have my B2C azure setup for Customer authentication in my Ecommerce site.
Newly added customers at ecommerce are not getting synced to D365 F&O .
Any idea what is the issue ?
Thanks in advance
  • P Jackson Profile Picture
    P Jackson 1,560 on at
    Ecommerce B2C customers records are not syncing in HQ
    Make sure the Address book is defined against the channel and that the customer records are assigned dot hat address book.
  • Suggested answer
    S Gopi Krishna Profile Picture
    S Gopi Krishna 266 on at
    Ecommerce B2C customers records are not syncing in HQ
    Make sure you have the following pre-reqs configured [] before testing this. I've faced a similar issue in past and found out that the customer number sequence is set to 'Manual' and changing it to 'Automatic' resolved the issue.
  • Suggested answer
    CS-29040639-0 Profile Picture
    CS-29040639-0 30 on at
    Ecommerce B2C customers records are not syncing in HQ
    Hi Judy 
    I have disabled Async customer creation in Online functionality profile so as per this setup whenever I'm sign up with new user mail id, it should create a record in HQ in real time.
    But records are not getting created at D365 F&O
  • Judy Profile Picture
    Judy Microsoft Employee on at
    Ecommerce B2C customers records are not syncing in HQ
    Hi, can you show us if you have encountered any error messages for that issue. You can provide more details about how you synchronize the data to D365fo.

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