I am receiving the attached error when trying to Import a Bank Statement file (.csv) into Business Central. I've built the Data Exchange Definition and all related setups the same as my NAV 2017 install where it works, including the proper data format of M/d/yyyy with en-us. I cannot for the life of me get Business Central to recognize the date field correctly. Any thoughts?
Changing the Date field to TEXT in the data definition table fixed this for me!
Nirav S.
Hello! Try changing the Column Definition for the Date Column from "Date" to "TEXT" and enter the Data Formatting Culture and Length.
I was having the same issue, and this fixed it for me!
I did get this resolved, but I'll be honest I don't remember how or what customer it was to go find it.
This is obviously NOT the best solution, but I got an import to work that was failing on the date - no matter the format that I changed BC or the file to by simply moving the date field from the first column to the 2nd column.... weird.
I have changed the bank statement import setup, not edit the Excel file as I don't what to have to edit each month.
Go into the excel file and change the date to year - month - date (or match it to whatever date style you have in business central), then upload the file.
If you can't change the date in excel use this link to do so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya10z2gfRB8
it worked for me, hope it helps others.
The reason why mm/dd/yyyy does not work is that it can only read months 10,11,12, but for 1 to 9 it cant. I was able to successfully do it by using M/dd/yyyy format.
Did you get this resolved I am having the same error and have tried every combination?
Have you tried MM/dd/yyyy (not mm)?
Hi! Did you ever get this resolved? I am having a similar error - also if the month is 11/1/2019, then it comes in as 1/1/2019, even if I have this set up as mm/d/yyyy, m/d/yyyy, m/d/yyyy - I have tried every combination and nothing comes in correctly.
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