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Create a View for Case(Incident) Entity filtered based on the queue it belongs

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I want to create a view for case entity based on the queue it has routed to.
Currently what we are doing is filtering based on the values that is used for queue routing. Is there any way that we can create a view using filter directly based on queue...Like show items which belong to the queue.

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    RE: Create a View for Case(Incident) Entity filtered based on the queue it belongs

    Hi Pratiksha,

    The case and queue is not relationship directly, but the case and queue item is 1:N relationship and queue item and queue is N:1 relationship, so you need use queue item entity to achieve it.

    You can refer following link:

    1.Create a custom field called ‘Queue’ in case entity and add it to the view and form you want.

    Go to Settings > customization > Customize the system > Entities > case > Fields.


    2.Create a workflow which populates the "Queue" field upon creation of queue item.

    (1) Go to Settings > Process to create a new workflow.


    (2) set trigger.


    (3) Add step.

    a. Add ‘check condition step’ to only execute the steps if the queue item type field is case.


    b. Add ‘Update record’ to update case entity queue field under the condition.


    c. Add ‘stop workflow’ to stop workflow with ‘canceled’ status if type is not case.

    pastedimage1608799563079v6.png and active the workflow.


    3.Create a custom view to show cases that assigned to the Queue.

    You can set filter with the queue directly.


    Finally, save and publish all customization.


    Leah Ju

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