Most of us have used Remote Desktop for our "Dynamics GP" Clients for a long time.
But here we are using Windows Server 2016 that is due to sunset in January of 2022.
The Natural Assumption is to upgrade to 2019. Which makes sense except VBA will not run on 2019.
For some this is a big deal, most of their screen mods are written in VBA.
The standard answer is to rewrite the Mods in VStools or Dexterity.
Fine problem solved! But what about all the VBA invested in the many documents that may be attached in Dynamics GP?
I want my users to be able to click on an attachment in GP and the Document and have the VBA to work.
So what about running VDI?
Running Windows 10 Session definitely fits into the "Dynamics GP" compatibility matrix and VBA will be around a long time.
What I am surprised to see is there is so little information on using VDI with "Dynamics GP"
Does anyone care to share their experiences in this regard?