RE: Create alert rule with Email
System admin> Periodic> Alerts> Change based alerts. Mark the Batch processing box, set the recurrence, start date time etc.
E-mail distributor batch ( system admin> Periodic> E-mail processing> Batch. Mark the Batch processing box, set the recurrence, start date time etc.)
Check the alert rule to make sure the rule is correct. (Organization admin> Setup> Alerts> Alert rules)
Make sure the above batch jobs are running and ended successfully. (System admin> Inquiries> Batch Jobs, find the respected batch job then look at its Batch job history> View Tasks).
To then check whether the emails are getting generated by going to System admin> Periodic> E-mail Processing> E-mail sending status. if you emails in WAITING status ,then it is because the job “E-mail Distributor batch” is not running. To check the status of this job go to Batch jobs form – System admin> Inquiries> Batch jobs.
To verify an email was sent check the email status (Sys admin> Periodic> E-mail Processing> E-mail sending status and then check the “Allow show sent emails” box.
If it was sent then get the users to check their Junk folder in their e-mail.