I need to create the form where we will ask the customer to attach their document.
but I cannot find the option to attach document in marketing forms.
Could you please help me?
Thank you,
Hello Colfy,
I really appreciate your usual help.
Many Thanks, Elly
Hi Elly,
clofly's reply seems to be the correct way to go. Did it solve the issue for you?
Could you please confirm by mark it as solved?
Best regards,
Defne Ayanoglu
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing team
Don't forget!: If you have gotten the answer to your question - mark your question as answered (even if the answer is not what you have hoped for). By doing so you show appreciation to the free-of-charge help that you have received from another forum member.
Hi Elly,
If you had enabled the option, then a button "Choose Files" will display on entity form.
Try to sign in portal as an authenticated user, upload a file via the button then submit form.
Check whether the attachment would display in that contact's Timeline section.
Hello Colfy,
Thank you for your help,
I followed the instruction and enabled note on entity form. can you help me with next step? how can I add the attachment field on my form now.
Many Thanks,
Hi Elly,
Do you mean you would like to add a note in contact's timeline?
If so, marketing form not supports to upload file, we could only use it to populate contact's fields value.
I think you could create an entity form in your portal, then enable "Attach Files" option for the form.
This feature is OOB to use.
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