RE: Using control's property name in X++
Hi Baber Owais, AutoDeclaration concept as per I know is used for the same name of the control as used in the name property for that control.
But my question is the number of properties appearing in the property page of a control say Grid, We have to use the property name that are applicable to be used in the X++ code or required to be used in the X++ code has to be used with the same name?
For example AllowEdit property of Grid Suppose if I want to this AllowEdit property in X++, I have to use this as AllowEdit only know in X++?
For example Gridname.AllowEdit(true);
Likewise if I need to use some other property of Grid say Skip in X++ ,
then I have to use the same name of the property know?
like, GridName.skip=Yes;
Likewise for all properties of any control?