So I am not fimilar to creating queries in D365. I am trying to add a field to the load lines form(WHLoadTable). When I add the purchline datasource with an inner join to the whsloadline it goes from the query: Query object 4daf4050: SELECT FIRSTFAST FORUPDATE * FROM WHSLoadTable(WHSLoadTable) USING INDEX LoadIdIdx WHERE (((((WHSLoadTable.LoadDirection == 2) && (WHSLoadTable.LoadStatus != 6)) || ((WHSLoadTable.LoadDirection == 1) && (WHSLoadTable.LoadStatus != 8))))) to just a simple select * from WHSLoadTable.
All the logic is in the init, but how does it get the query? And where does the whsLoadTable_q variable come from? I can't find that anywhere? Is that just a reference to the actual table?